Not all dogs are naturally equipped with the perfect winter coat and need warm and dry support in the cold and wet months to avoid freezing. Hypothermia can also make dogs sick and dangerous.
Autumn is here! It gets more uncomfortable & darker faster. Find out here how to be safe with your darling on the road, know when dog clothing makes sense and how to avoid boredom in rainy weather.
As a dog owner, the (fur) tatters fly at least twice a year: When changing fur in spring and autumn, numerous dog owners have their hands full, because hair is everywhere: on the carpet, the sofa, behind doors and under…
Plucking brush and nit comb, de-felting knife, trimming bar or coat care glove: Which articles you need for the optimal coat care of your four-legged friend and why it is so important, you will learn in this article.
Is there a poison bait alert? Don't panic! Anti-poison bait training can protect your pet from eating something harmful on the way. Find out the best way to do it here!
A muzzle may be compulsory when travelling, on public transport or for certain breeds of dog. Find out here when you should take a muzzle with you for your four-legged friend!
Off on holiday! Of course safely and as relaxed as possible for two-legged and four-legged friends. We introduce you to the most popular means of transport for travelling with dogs and give you useful tips for your trip.
The sun is shining, the most wonderful weather is tempting you and your furry friend outside! However, the high temperatures also increase the risk of heat stroke. Find out what you can do in an emergency here!