Craft idea: DIY cat toy - how it works
Making your own cat toys
For the start of your cuddly weekend with your cat, we present a creative highlight for all cat owners: a DIY cat toy that you can make yourself quickly and easily.
You can make a sturdy teaser with just a few hand movements from a homemade tassel and a sturdy branch from your last winter walk through the forest.
You need that:
Twig (stable, ideally made of flexible wood)
Yarn, cord or strong ribbon (e.g. jersey ribbon or strong natural fibre yarn made of jute, hemp or flax)
Parcel string
Ruler or tape measure
DIY cat toys - this is how it works
1. Measure and cut the tapes to size

First of all, the ribbons are cut to size to make the tassel. You can use a robust, thicker natural ribbon or a cord made of hemp, jute or flax. Jersey ribbon is also suitable for this. The individual strands should be about 15-20 cm long.
2. Tie tassel

If you have enough ribbons together so that your tassel has enough volume, place them next to each other on the parcel string.

Now you knot the parcel string in the middle of the ribbons.
Finally, lay the ribbons in one direction and tie the tassel with the yarn used or with the parcel string at the top.
3. Prepare the rod

With the knife you can now carve a small groove in the front of the branch so that your yarn with the dangling tassel will hold securely at the end.
4. Attaching the tassel
Now carefully attach the "fishing line" together with the tassel to the groove you have just made and knot the line firmly.
Our Tip: For that special something, you can enrich your cat toy with catnip.